Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Grief Shows Up Uninvited

       I recently had my “wellness” check up by way of our insurance’s in-home nurse visit. Naturally she asked about my emotional and mental health. I had been having several bad days because of Momma’s birthday and Momma and Daddy’s anniversary and the memories associated with all that. So I started to cry and told her how we had been caregivers for Momma and that I really missed her now that she is in Heaven.

      The nurse smile compassionately and asked, “How long has your mother been gone?”

      “Five years,” I told her.

     And by the frown and look that she gave me, I knew what she was thinking! So I smiled and said, “With the way I cry and grieve, one would think it had been just five months, not five years.”

     She didn’t respond and went on with the rest of the her examination.

     Yes, it’s been five years since the Lord took Momma to Heaven and it’s been forty-six years since Daddy went to Heaven. But I have learned that grief doesn’t have a time limit, doesn’t have a statute of limitations, and hits you at the most unexpected times. You never stop living with grief. You just realize how the Lord helps you bear it.

      A sweet lady, Deborah Stoots, recently shared a post that speaks directly to this and I share it here with the prayer it will help you, too, as you realize it’s OK to have rough days where you still miss that person and you still cry. And please remember that our Lord is called a man of sorrows who is acquainted with our grief. You are never alone in this valley.

Shared in love,


Grief Doesn’t Just Show Up the Day They Die

Originally posted as “Grief to Hope” with Nikki Pennington

Grief doesn't just show up the day they die.

Grief shows up on a random Monday night.

Grief shows up in aisle five at the grocery store.

Grief shows up when they're favorite song comes on the radio.

Grief shows up at the dining room table .

Grief shows up at your graduation and wedding.

Grief shows up in the delivery room when they aren't by your side or in the pictures.

Grief shows up on those sleepless nights.

Grief shows up when the phone rings and it isn't them.

Grief shows up when you go to dial their number and realize they'll never answer again.

Grief shows up time and time again always unexpected and never invited.

Grief doesn't just show up the day they die.